Friday 15 October 2010

Marketing to the 5 Senses: #1 Taste

The connection between taste and memory means eating and drinking is more than just a necessity, it becomes an experience. Marketing that uses the sense of taste reaches an instinctual part of the mind. Eating or drinking something that produces positive feelings means the next time that food is tasted the memory or emotions of that taste experience will be recalled. Creating a bond between a wonderful taste and your brand is a great way to form a lasting connection with your customer.

Taste comes in handy because it encourages our body to consume the nutrients it needs. When we crave something that's taste pointing us in the right direction!  We can get vitamins from sour fruits, minerals from salty foods like veg and carbohydrates from sweet foods.  If you offer your customers delicious fresh smoothies your brand will stay fresh in their minds!

The newest discovery about taste occurred in the early 20th century. It was the discovery of a fifth primary taste. Before there were four tastes that made up all the complex tastes we encounter: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. A Japanese scientist, Kikunae Ikeda, discovered Umami. This taste is the response to salts of glutamtic acid. Umami and means 'delicious savory taste'. It became the fifth primary taste in 1985 when scientists failed to recreate the taste with combinations of the other four. It is thought that the taste of fat may be the sixth primary taste…eeeeew! What’s your favourite taste?

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